viernes, 2 de noviembre de 2012

Dos noticias, bueno... tres

Revisando las revistas del mes, encuentro en Obesity (de Nature), el interesante artículo "Endurance Training Per Se Increases Metabolic Health in Young, Moderately Overweight Men", donde se resalta la importancia del ejercicio de resistencia.

La conclusión del artículo es: "This demonstrates that endurance training per se increases various metabolic health parameters and that endurance training should preferably always be included in any intervention regimen for improving metabolic health in moderately overweight men."

En Diabetes del mes pasado, está el editorial "Does Endurance Training Protect From Lipotoxicity?", donde inicia de la siguiente manera:
"Modest regular exercise and reduction of dietary fat halves the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. In overt type 2 diabetes, higher levels of exercise training improve glycemic control, whereas the impact of diet and optimal dietary composition are presently unknow."
Ejercitarse de manera esporádica y reduciendo la ingesta de grasa reduce a la mitad el riesgo de desarrollar diabetes tipo 2... Si ya se desarrolló, se requieren mayores niveles de ejercicio para mejorar el control de la glucemia...

Sin embargo, una nota de cautela:

A Novel Cellular Defect in Diabetes

Membrane Repair Failure

RESULTS Diabetic myocytes displayed significantly more dye influx after laser injury than controls, indicating a repair deficiency. Downhill running also resulted in a higher level of repair failure in diabetic mice. This repair defect was mimicked in cultured cells by prolonged exposure to high glucose. Inhibition of the formation of AGE eliminated this glucose-induced repair defect. However, a repair defect could be induced, in the absence of high glucose, by enhancing AGE binding to RAGE, or simply by increasing cell exposure to AGE.
CONCLUSIONS Because one consequence of repair failure is rapid cell death (via necrosis), our demonstration that repair fails in diabetes suggests a new mechanism by which myopathy develops in diabetes.

Interpretacion:  Se describe un nuevo defecto celular en el músculo de las personas con diabetes: reparación retardada.

Entonces, los individuos prediabeticos y diabéticos deben iniciar ejercicio con mucho cuidado, sobretodo lo que repetimos con frecuencia: evitar correr "de bajada", ya que es cuando más se dañan los músculos.

Sin embargo, se nota cada vez más la importancia del ejercicio y sobre todo, del entrenamiento de resistencia.

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