sábado, 4 de mayo de 2013

Para quienes toman (ésto) en serio.

Revisando la literatura cientifica, nos encontramos una revista que, supongo y espero, sea de su interés.

Es el Journal of the International Society of Sport Nutrition, el cual puede ser consultado AQUI.

De manera particular, nos llamó la atención su "International Society of Sports Nutrition position stand: energy drinks", el cual tiene 9 puntos que les copiamos, pero que animamos a que lean con detenimiento y criterio, hay mucha informacion que se debe considerar y analizar. 
Y acciones que llevar a cabo.

1. Although ED and ES contain a number of nutrients that are purported to affect mental and/or physical performance, the primary ergogenic nutrients in most ED and ES appear to be carbohydrate and/or caffeine. 

2. The ergogenic value of caffeine on mental and physical performance has been well-established but the potential additive benefits of other nutrients contained in ED and ES remains to be determined. 

3. Consuming ED 10-60 minutes before exercise can improve mental focus, alertness, anaerobic performance, and/or endurance performance. 

4. Many ED and ES contain numerous ingredients; these products in particular merit further study to demonstrate their safety and potential effects on physical and mental performance. 

5. There is some limited evidence that consumption of low-calorie ED during training and/or weight loss trials may provide ergogenic benefit and/or promote a small amount of additional fat loss. However, ingestion of higher calorie ED may promote weight gain if the energy intake from consumption of ED is not carefully considered as part of the total daily energy intake. 

6. Athletes should consider the impact of ingesting high glycemic load carbohydrates on metabolic health, blood glucose and insulin levels, as well as the effects of caffeine and other stimulants on motor skill performance. 

7. Children and adolescents should only consider use of ED or ES with parental approval after consideration of the amount of carbohydrate, caffeine, and other nutrients contained in the ED or ES and a thorough understanding of the potential side effects. 

8. Indiscriminant use of ED or ES, especially if more than one serving per day is consumed, may lead to adverse events and harmful side effects.

9. Diabetics and individuals with pre-existing cardiovascular, metabolic, hepatorenal, and neurologic disease who are taking medications that may be affected by high glycemic load foods, caffeine, and/or other stimulants should avoid use of ED and/or ES unless approved by their physician.  

TODOS los puntos son importantes, pero particularmente los tres ultimos:

7: menores de edad deben ser autorizados (o no) de consumir estos productos por sus padres (o tutores), despues de TOMAR EN CONSIDERACION la formulación de estos productos...
He escuchado a padres alarmarse cuando sugerimos que consideren el consumo de café por menores ("la cafeína", "es malo", etc) y no dudo que permitan el consumo de estos productos, sobre todo, sin estar deshidratados y sin realizar actividad fisica...

8: el uso indiscriminado de estos productos, especialmente mas de una ración al dia.....

9: Individuos con diabetes u otras enfermedades pre-existentes cardiovascular, metabólica, hepatorenal o neurológica pueden ser afectados, dependiendo de la medicacion que reciban y deben consultarlo con su médico tratante.

Les recordamos que esta informacion es de caracter educativo y de ninguna manera es un consejo para consumir o dejar de hacerlo. Esa desicion es responsabilidad de quien lo lee.

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